Will You Marry Your Self?

The advent of digital cameras, in particular on mobile phones, make it very easy and cheap to take pictures at any moment in time. Gone are the days where taking pictures are expensive having to buy rolls of films where you have to think twice before snapping away on your cameras, not to mention costly fees required to process the rolls of film and hopefully the pictures come out fine.

Who won’t want to capture a beautiful image especially with yourself in the picture too. In the past, you would need someone to take such a picture for you. Today, you could just take your own picture with the secondary camera on your mobile handset. With the aid of a selfie stick, you could take pictures of yourself at a greater distance which is even better.

Unfortunately, taking selfie is contributing to untimely deaths and injuries for some so engrossed in such acts of self importance and grandeur to capture the perfect moment in time for posterity and future self-exultation. Narcissism becomes popular and sometimes not cheap, even deadly.

List of Selfie-Related Injuries and Deaths

With the popularity promoting platforms like facebook and instagram, narcissism is taken on to a whole new level of indulgence. Spending time showing off and bragging about stuff on facebook coveting affirmation and adulation can become an addiction, especially those who set out hoping to get many friends and “likes” on their facebook page a life mission.

If you think that is not enough of self-love, self-praise and self-centeredness, you can even marry your own self if you so wish. You can fall in love with your own self and marry your self just like a normal wedding with a huge party following. This trend is going to pick up just like any foolish fashion in this world that will pass away.

No Need Husband – Women Can Now Marry Themselves

When you think this is narcissism gone mad, this is not something unexpected actually, scripturally speaking.

2 Timothy 3:2: For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

Haven’t we been warned about the last days’ conditions? Indeed men shall be lovers of their own selves literally. This is perhaps the grand finale of narcissism in all its glory.

This is good news actually because we are not far from the end of times.

Hopefully some will wake up and share the sentiments of the psalmist who exclaimed:

Psalms 39:5: Behold, thou hast made my days as an handbreadth; and mine age is as nothing before thee: verily every man at his best state is altogether vanity. Selah.