Beloved, think it not strange
concerning the fiery trial which is to try you,
as though some strange thing happened unto you:
1 Peter 4:12

The Strange Work and Strange Act of God


The Holy Bible is a goldmine of information and records of events as well as personal dealings of some strange acts from God. A diligent Bible student no doubt will have many questions with regards to some of those strange things recorded in the Bible. The implications of those strange works and strange acts, especially for those who have to live out those strange and unexplainable acts, will not escape the minds of the inquisitive student of the Bible. The preacher intends to draw out some of those strange works and strange acts which the prophets of old had to live through and see how we may all learn from those incidents what the Lord intends to do for His people. Hopefully, Christians will be able to appreciate the troubles the saints had to go through and be better prepared for whatever trials and tribulations that may come our way. May the Lord bless the study of His Holy words!