I exhort therefore, that, first of all,
supplications, prayers, intercessions,
and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
For kings, and for all that are in authority;
that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life
in all godliness and honesty.
1 Timothy 2:1&2
Procreation Of Men And The War Of Ages |
Having written about earthly marriages, it is also needful to discuss subject on procreation of children in the context of marriage. There are some Christians who believe that they should have as many children as possible because God has commanded Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply to replenish the earth. Furthermore, Christians should live by faith in God to provide for them. However, there are also other Christians who believe that God leaves the matter of having children for them to decide and plan their own family according to their own circumstances. Unfortunately, there are even some who think that Christian couples who refuse to have children are being selfish or couples who are incapable of having children are regarded as a sign of God’s judgment upon them. All such frivolous arguments actually miss out on a much greater aspect concerning human procreation in the context of the on going war of all ages.
Procreation of Men has been on going for several thousand years. Many people have been born into this world and have gone off the scene. Many more will come into this world and exit the world having passed their time of probation on this earth to be judged whether they could continue to live in the presence of God or die an everlasting death in hell fire. Human procreation takes place naturally but the act of procreation has often been abused outside of the context of marriage. The Holy Bible reveals the history of procreation of mankind as mandated from above that comes with a blessing for men to be fruitful and multiply to replenish the earth. The purpose of procreation of mankind is to populate planet Earth. One more important aspect of human procreation is to provide foot soldiers to continue this war of ages between God and Satan and between good and evil. The ultimate purpose of human procreation is to obtain a race of people who will obey the God of Creation, love Him, worship Him and serve Him for all eternity.
Hence, this book is to study God’s command and expectation from men, especially from His people, with regards to having children in the family. It is important to start from the first to the last book of the Bible to see what God has to say about having children in marriage. As such, this book is written to examine the purpose of procreation of mankind in God’s overall plan when dealing with men and angels to bring in an eternity of spirit beings and redeemed people to serve God, worship Him and glorify Him. Procreation for mankind from above has a more important mandate than just for couples to be fulfilled with joy of having children in their marriage. May the Lord bless the study of His perfect and inspired words!