Here is an email sent to me twice on two different dates.

Dear Friend in Christ,

Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!

I have been going through the studies at your web site, and I am deeply inspired with all of the teachings and studies thereon like Bible studies, sermons, children’s sermons and other teaching materials on our Web site. This is such a wonderful studies you have arranged for all the nations, in the long run of your service for the nations of the all the world.

I am from Islamic Republic of Pakistan where it is difficult to have Radio and TV channel for preaching purposes. They would not allow us to do that here; the Satan has real strong hold over everything. I often say that we are living in the land of the enemy.

Friend, I humbly request you to expand your outreach your program in Urdu and Punjabi language. Urdu is the language spoken and understood by more than one sixth of the total population of the world. Urdu is spoken in Pakistan, India, Nepal, Afghanistan and also in
Indonesia, Malaysia, Iran and others.

I would ask you to pray and share it among the brethren. I would offer my services for being translator, recorder and distribution/sales. I pray that your consideration will have His mark over your decision.

May God bless you abundantly! May His perfect will be done!

Grace and Peace be with you, all brethrens.

Yours brother in Christ,

You will find the exact same letter posted on other websites with a different name.

Transparent Translation

Dear Brothers and Sisters

Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!

I have been going through the studies at your web site, and I am deeply inspired with all of the teachings and studies thereon. This is such a wonderful studies and sermons you have arranged for all the nations, in the long run of your service for the nations of the all the world.

I am from Islamic Republic of Pakistan where it is difficult to have Radio and TV channel for preaching purposes. They would not allow us to do that here; the Satan has real strong hold over everything. I often say that we are living in the land of the enemy.

Brother, we humbly request you to expand your outreach your program in Urdu and Punjabi language. Urdu is the language spoken and understood by more than one sixth of the total population of the world. Urdu is spoken in Pakistan, India, Nepal, Afghanistan and also in Indonesia, Malaysia, Iran and others.

I would ask you to pray and share it among the brethrens at your ministry. I am a professional translator. I would offer my services for being translator, recorder and distribution/sales. I pray that your consideration will have His mark over your decision.

May God bless you abundantly! May His perfect will be done!

Grace and Peace be with you, all brethrens.

Yours brother in Christ,
Nadeem Masih
Cell No: +92-301-6514281
#7 Nadeem Masih – 11/10/2007 – 18:36

The above post by Nadeem dated 3 July 2007 can be found on
The Post Modern Preacher

Here is another same letter by another person found on another website: Matthew 7

Dearly Brethren in Christ,

Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!

I have been going through the studies at your web site, and I am deeply inspired with all of the teachings and studies thereon. This is such a wonderful studies you have arranged for all the nations, in the long run of your service for the nations of the all the world.

I am from Islamic Republic of Pakistan where it is difficult to have Radio and TV channel for preaching purposes. They would not allow us to do that here; the Satan has real strong hold over everything. I often say that we are living in the land of the enemy.

Brother, we humbly request you to expand your outreach your program in Urdu and Punjabi language. Urdu is the language spoken and understood by more than one sixth of the total population of the world. Urdu is spoken in Pakistan, India, Nepal, Afghanistan and also in Indonesia, Malaysia, Iran and others.

I would ask you to pray and share it among the brethrens there. I would offer my services for being translator, recorder and distribution/sales. I pray that your consideration will have His mark over your decision.

I really wish to translate these of yours teachings into Urdu and Punjabi languages. This will bring a lot of blessings for Urdu and Punjabi speaking people. Although it will cost a little bit but it will not be as much higher as these people are.

“There is nothing more precious than to hear the Word of God in your own languages”.

May God bless you abundantly! May His perfect will be done!

Grace and Peace be with you, all brethrens.

Yours Sister in Christ,
Nosheet Gloria

Wednesday, March 5, 2008, 05:11 PM

One more letter from En Gedi

Evanglist Asif Mubrak Says:
May 25, 2008 at 4:08 am

Dear Brothers and Sisters

Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!

I have been going through the studies at your web site, and I am deeply inspired with all of the teachings and studies thereon. This is such a wonderful studies and sermons you have arranged for all the nations, in the long run of your service for the nations of the all the world.

I am from Islamic Republic of Pakistan where it is difficult to have Radio and TV channel for preaching purposes. They would not allow us to do that here; the Satan has real strong hold over everything. I often say that we are living in the land of the enemy.

Brother, we humbly request you to expand your outreach your program in Urdu and Punjabi language. Urdu is the language spoken and understood by more than one sixth of the total population of the world. Urdu is spoken in Pakistan, India, Nepal, Afghanistan and also in Indonesia, Malaysia, Iran and others.

I would ask you to pray and share it among the brethrens at your ministry. I am a professional translator. I would offer my services for being translator, recorder and distribution/sales. I pray that your consideration will have His mark over your decision.

May God bless you abundantly! May His perfect will be done!

Grace and Peace be with you, all brethrens.

Yours brother in Christ,
Evanglist Asif Mubrak

Be very careful when you receive request for Bibles and monies from strangers claiming to be doing God’s work.

Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.
Matthew 10:16