How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity?
and the scorners delight in their scorning,
and fools hate knowledge?
Proverbs 1:22
One of the most astounding and preposterous claims made by evolutionists is that the human coccyx is the remains of an ancient tail. This is certainly a very amusing notion on one level, but the humor of the tale of the tail is lost when it is pointed out that it is still being taught to public school children as science. The suggestion is that we lost this tail because we no longer need it. I would agree with Kent Hovind that a tail would still come in handy. For instance, at the moment that I am writing this essay I am using both hands to type; I sure would like to be able to take a sip from my coffee cup without interrupting my typing. I could even turn the pages of music without interrupting the music. I have this Bach piece with a page turn in the middle of a flurry of 32nd notes that was troubling me just today. Why would we lose something so handy? If we did use to have a tail, I wonder what we did with it that was so unimportant. Perhaps we used it to wag when we were happy to see other people, and we later decided that shaking hands was more dignified, so the tails just started falling off. Or maybe the tails were prehensile and we started overeating and got too heavy for the tails, and they just started breaking off when we tried to hang from trees.
These wacky scientists (falsely so called) actually go on to say that this “vestigial tail” has no use at all now that it has fallen or broken off. The coccyx is more than the end of the spinal column. The human coccyx is the attachment point of nine muscles that allow for a number of movements, most important of which is for the act of defecation.
Evolutionists should ask Ashley Murry of Wilmington, Delaware if she agrees with their conclusion that a coccyx is unnecessary. This young woman will be forced to wear a diaper for her entire life because she was born without a coccyx. It is unlikely that she would be very supportive of their contention.1 Another important use of the coccyx is that it assists us in the act of sitting. It is not impossible to sit without one, but it is awkward and uncomfortable.
Furthermore, the coccyx helps to support certain internal organs.2 Even if we were not able to point to a precise use for the coccyx, it would still be a great absurdity to state that the end of the spine is useless. The spine has to end somewhere, so why not with the coccyx. It would not make a lot of sense for it to end with an open and unprotected spinal cord, it would be painful and messy with all of the spinal fluid dripping out into one’s legs.
This error on the behalf of false scientists is by no means harmless. My stepfather was told by an incompetent doctor that he needed to have his coccyx removed due to a back problem.
Fortunately, he got a second opinion from a doctor who not only told him that the only thing that he needed was a series of back exercises, but that the coccyx removal operation was no longer performed by doctors. Nevertheless, apparently it was performed until fairly recent times.
Those doctors who fell for this Darwinian nonsense about the coccyx would have discovered the error within twenty-four hours after their very first operation. By the way, my stepfather has not had any serious back problems in the last 30 years since following the doctor with the second opinion, and he saved a sizeable amount of money that he would have had to spend on adult diapers, braces, and follow-up surgeries.
As absurd as the claim of the coccyx being useless is, it still persists. Professed expert on science and evolutionary proponent, Isaac Asimov, numbers among modern “scientists” who have used the coccyx as an example of a vestigial organ.3 Why does he have any credibility at all, if he can believe such a yarn? The persistence of this false belief is without excuse and must be seen for what it is, propaganda for Darwinistic religion, and another great piece of evidence of the stupidity of evolutionists.
1 Referenced by Steve Grohman in his creation seminar.
2 Covey, Jon A. Edited by Anita K. Millen. Vestigial Organs. s.l.: s.n., n.d.
3 Bergman, Jerry. Do Any Vestigial Structures Exist in Humans. CEN Technical Journal. 14(2) 2000.
Your servant in Christ,
John Hinton, Ph.D.
Bible Restoration Ministry
A ministry seeking the translating and reprinting of
KJV equivalent Bibles in all the languages of the world.