O ye simple, understand wisdom:
and, ye fools, be ye of an understanding heart.
Proverbs 8:5

Snake Legs

Although the presence of small bones that appear to the very imaginative as tiny remnants of legs in boa constrictors are no longer brought up much, but it still comes up every now and then. After I caught a garter snake when I was eleven years old I read several books on snakes, and most of them stated that these bones were evidence that snakes once had legs. I do remember thinking at the time about the serpent in the Garden of Eden being told that from henceforth it would have to crawl on its belly on the earth. If I were a member of the evolutionist cult I would avoid this example, even if those small bones had proven to be remnant of legs, however, we know that the bones in boas are not remnants of legs. These alleged legs are tiny claw-like structures near the base of their tale. Although they are not entirely understood, they appear to be related to the boa’s sexual functions. The male actually uses them to sexually stimulate the female. Positing that these tiny structures were vestigial legs is foolishness.

Furthermore, the bones that have been interpreted as remnant legs apply only to alleged hind legs. Are they suggesting that boa constrictors walked upright with two legs and had no arms? This would make for an amusing image. Perhaps the mindless designer of the evolutionist cult failed to provide them with front legs and made the rear legs go away for symmetry’s sake. That, of course, is devolution, not evolution.

If this devolution took place, we’d have to explain how a mindless designer determined that there was a problem with the original design in the first place. This would be like positing that a man that was sound asleep designed and built a watch, and later, while still asleep, altered its design by removing parts that were not necessary. How could a mindless designer be concerned with symmetry, and how could it design anything that worked? These creatures, like the whole universe, were designed by a designer that was an artist and an engineer, not by a chaotic, undefined force, and even the evolutionary cultists imply that in their writings at the exact same time that they are denying it. One might call that an oxymoron, but there are no oxymorons, only morons who posit contradictions.

Modern evolutionists seem to be devoting their lives to proving that a mindless designer can design something that works by their own attempts to design theories that work without using their minds, but they have failed to do so. Furthermore, even though what they have designed does not work, it still proves that a design, even a poor one, requires a designer.

They still have designed words in patterns that form structures that can be understood by others. However nonsensical these theories may be, it still required minds to structure them. Think of how much more intelligence it takes to design something as complicated and intricate as an animal, or a whole universe.

Your servant in Christ,
John Hinton, Ph.D.
Bible Restoration Ministry
A ministry seeking the translating and reprinting of
KJV equivalent Bibles in all the languages of the world.