Bible Believing Ministries John Hinton Prayer Letter 2


And They Glorified God In Me
Galatians 1:24

Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life,
whereunto thou art also called,
and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.
1 Timothy 6:12

Bible Restoration Ministry Newsletter October 28, 2003

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I am in the process of putting together a complete list of KJV-equivalent and Textus Receptus Bibles that are available on the internet. The list is growing, but it is much, much smaller than it should be. The reason for that is that most websites devoted to foreign Bibles do not care what kind of Bibles they promote, or go so far as to promote perverted Bibles. I will be sending out a preliminary list soon. In the meanwhile, any suggestions for additions to the list would be welcomed, although you all might want to wait until I have sent my list out first. I am not interested in adding Bibles to the list that are merely “the best available” in a particular language. If an NIV-equivalent Bible is the best available for a given language, no one should need any help locating it, and I will not take part in its promotion. In addition, I am assembling a list of translators, missionaries, printers and churches involved with KJV-equivalent or Textus Receptus Bible projects. Any and all suggestions for that list would be greatly appreciated. This list may take a little longer, so I will be sending it out sometime after the Bible site list.

I know that there are some who will receive this newsletter that have special interest in the Philippines. Brother Roger Vournas has completed a KJV-equivalent Bible in the Ilonggo language of the Philippines and is in need of a printer. If anyone could be of help to him in his efforts to give the Word of God to these people, should pay special attention to the following selection.

I will send an update on my own projects in a later newsletter. In the meanwhile, please pray for that God’s Word will be proliferated in unperverted forms in this lost and dying world.

Your servant in Christ,
John Hinton
Bible Restoration Ministry

c/o 1737 Grace Lane
Columbus, Ohio [43220]

P.S. In regard to my e-mail address. Some of you might notice that my e-mail replies come from various addresses. The reason for this is that the above e-mail address is a forwarding service that will be mine for life, or as long as Harvard offers the service. If a mailbox gets too full, or I should change services, I will change my forwarding address, but I will still receive mail that it is addressed to the address.