Dr. Dennis Spackman

These were more noble than those in Thessalonica,
in that they received the word with all readiness of mind,
and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.
Acts 17:11

Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me,
in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus.
2 Timothy 1:13

Promotion of Dr. Dennis Spackman

Just learned of the passing of a dear saint, Dr. Dennis Spackman from New Zealand. Here were some of his last words given to me when he contacted me in 2005.

I am a medical doctor, still working 3 days a week in my surgery, but more involved in Christian work. Back in the 1980s I founded and pastored an independent, KJ believing, Baptist church, but was forced to finally hand over the pastorate to another when I suffered a severe heart attack at the age of 62. My coronary bypass operation at the time was said to have a ‘use-by date’ of 10 years, so I guess that I’m now living on my third year of ‘bonus time’ and I intend to burn out for the Lord, rather than just rust out. The Lord certainly keeps me busy. I am an Elder in the local baptist/brethren church, and do quite a lot of preaching and bible teaching, so I very much appreciated your web site.

Indeed, Dr. Spackman had burnt out instead of run out for the Lord. How many more bonus years do we have? This saint certainly will be much missed by those how knew him.

Back in the 1980s he founded and pastored an independent, King James Bible believing Baptist church, saw the church grew to 150 but was forced to finally hand over the pastorate to another when he suffered a severe heart attack at the age of 62. His subsequent quadruple coronary bypass operation at the time was said to have a ‘use-by date’ of 10 years. So Dr. Spackman reckons that he is now living on his third year of ‘bonus time’ and he intends to burn out for the Lord, rather than just rust out.

The Lord certainly keeps him busy. He is an Elder in the local baptist/brethren church. He teaches the Bible, preaches regularly in his own and other churches, and considers his medical practice as just another ‘mission field’ to reach the lost.

Dr. Spackman has also written some books and pamphlets as well as defending the King James Bible. Some of his books and Pamphlets are as follows:

The Certainty Of The Words Of Truth
Gethsemane To Golgotha
In Pursuit Of The Truth – A Personal Testimony
The Greatest Sin In The World – The Sin Of Unbelief
Basic Information Before Leaving Earth
The Simplicity And Joy Of Bible Study
A Simple Summary Of A Few Facts For Evolutionist To Consider

Anyone interested to obtain these materials from Dr. Spackman may write to his family at:

Dr Dennis Spackman
NZ address: 25 Ngaroma Road, Epsom, Auckland 1003, New Zealand.
Phone: (09)-625-4123

Promotion of Dr. Dennis Spackman

The Sin of Unbelief

The Simplicity and Joy of Study

A Few Facts For Evolutionists To Consider

Basic Information Before Leaving Earth