Holding forth the word of life;
that I may rejoice in the day of Christ,
that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain.
Philippians 2:16

Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life,
whereunto thou art also called,
and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.
1 Timothy 6:12

Brother Daryl Coats is a true King James Bible believer who is planning to serve the Lord Jesus Christ in Finland as a missionary. Below is some information taken from his previous newsletter regarding his desire to labour in Finland should the Lord open this door for him.

Those of you on the Soldiers in Training mailing list for a while have noticed that this newsletter is several months overdue. Increased opportunities to teach and preach have (until recently) made it difficult for me to produce this issue of the newsletter. During the past eight months, however, God has enabled me to write quite a bit. Enclosed with this newsletter you’ll find two tracts. And God willing, even though it still needs to be typeset (and proofread at least one more time), I will include a new book in the next mailing or two. This is a different type of work than God has allowed me to produce in the past, and I hope that it will bless you.

In our February 2001 letter, my family and I asked for prayer as we sought God’s direction for serving Him in a “missionary” capacity. In January 2003 we surrendered to what we perceive to be God’s call to serve Him in the vicinity of Turku, Finland (hence the design of the scripture passage in the box at the top of this page).Much remains to be done, but we have begun preparing for a new type of ministry in a new field.

Again we ask earnestly for your continued prayers’ as we prepare for a “survey trip,” as we seek out a language school, and as we learn about the people and culture of Finland. Pray that God will equip us to minister His word effectively even in a new language and in to a different culture. Pray that we would have spiritual wisdom to discern the mind and perfect will of God in this undertaking and in the completion of the books and tracts that I’m working on.

In the next newsletter I hope to send you a prayer card and additional details concerning our intentions. Your prayers and Christian friendship mean much to us, and we appreciate your intercessions on our behalf.

“Looking for that blessed hope,”

Brother Daryl Coats
Titus 2:11-14


Brother Coats is going with two of his children for a ministry survey trip to Finland from 26 April 2004 to 4 May 2004. He requested for prayers for safety, wisdom, discernment, and understanding of the will of God.

Brother Coats has a newsletter ministry and some of his articles are listed below. You may read these articles via the links below.

The Thought of Foolishness
Straining At Brass
Fellowship With Him
Four Precious Promises
Finland Survey Trip Update
She Judged Him Faithful
That Spirit of Antichrist
The Spirit Itself Beareth Witness
Hard Hearts: The Cause And The Cure
The Greatest Of These Is Charity
Money Is The Reason For The Season
Effeminate Christianity And Modern Bible Version

Do remember Brother Coats and his family in your prayers. If you have any words of encouragement or should you wish to help in anyway concerning the gospel work in Finland, you may contact Brother Coats at:

I am sure Brother Coats would be most happy to hear from you.