{From the Beginning of the Reformation up to 1611 A.D.}

Between 1525-1611 A.D. six Major English Bibles (Tyndale, Coverdale, Matthews, The Great, Geneva, and The Bishops) were produced – all of which were based on the Greek Text known as the Byzantine Text (now known as the Received Text or Textus Receptus) in the New Testament, and the Hebrew Text (known as the Massoretic Text) in the Old Testament.

William Tyndale completed translating the New Testament and most of the Old Testament before he was murdered by the government (strangled to death and then burned). The Coverdale Bible was the first complete Bible in English based on a ‘Greek Text’ in the New Testament, and a Hebrew Text in the Old Testament. John Wycliffe’s earlier English Translation (1382 A.D.) was based on some of the Old Latin manuscripts and the Latin Vulgate, and was ‘revised’ by John Purvey to bring it more in line with Jerome’s Latin Vulgate. Matthew’s Bible was a combination of the best from Tyndale and Coverdale. The Great Bible was a Revision of Matthew’s. The Geneva Bible was the Bible of the Puritan’s (and was the most popular Bible with the common people until the AV1611 – KJB). The Bishop’s Bible was an “Official” Bible put out by the Church of England in an attempt to replace the popular Geneva (which it never did).

Six English Bibles produced in approximately 85 years, and then the crowning achievement: The AUTHORIZED VERSION (1611 A.D.), The Seventh! What did God say in Psalms 12:6-7?

Psalms 12:6 The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
7 Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.

The King James Bible was the seventh English Bible, and it was translated in seven years. Do you think that’s just a coincidence? Think about that for a while!

From 1611 through the 1930’s the Bible that is now called the King James Bible was simply known as “The Holy Bible”. In the 1700’s a few of its critics (scholars) began to call it the “Authorized Version” (hence the name “AV 1611”), and by the 1800’s most Bible scholars and critics referred to “The Holy Bible” as the “Authorized Version”.

The only changes that that have taken place within the AV1611 [The King James Bible] from 1611 up to the 1940’s were:

1. Corrections of typographical errors (1629)

2. Standardization of the language (i.e. changes in spelling and punctuation: Final – 1769)

3. Regularization (e.g. consistent use of italics, etc. – 1769)


Up until the middle of the 20th century no Publisher ever dared to CHANGE THE TEXT of “The Holy Bible”, although they started to produce multiple versions in English from a handful of inferior (corrupt) Greek & Hebrew manuscripts, very different from the Greek & Hebrew manuscripts from which the King James Bible was translated.

The “HOLY BIBLE” (now known as the AV1611 or The King James Bible) was THE STANDARD BIBLE of the English speaking people of the world from the early 1600’s up until the early 1900’s. It was the FINAL AUTHORITY in all matters of faith and practice amongst nearly all English speaking Christians for over 300 years. During that entire period of time no other “bible” even came close to challenging its authoritative position.

Sometime after the introduction of the “new” English Translations (“The “Revised Version” of 1881 in England, and “The American Standard Version” of 1901 in America – both of which failed miserably) the Publishers of the “new” Translations began to call “The Holy Bible” (AV1611) – “The King James Version”. And since the 1950’s these Publishers have gradually (under the cover of “helps” and “clarification”) been introducing more and more CHANGES, either to the actual TEXT (the words) of the King James Bible, or by the subtle introduction of suggestions (always from “bible scholars”) implying that there are errors in the TEXT of the King James Bible, and supplying different words other than those in the text, or stating that certain words or verses do not belong in the text.

Since the introduction of the failed Revised Version (1881 – 1885) and the failed American Standard Version (1901), there have been over 120 “versions” of the “bible” (in English) that have come out on the market – $$$ (An unenviable “record” – unmatched in any ten (10) other languages in the world!) It is now to the point, that with very few exceptions, most people have no idea WHERE the words of God are, or WHAT the words of God say. The confusion is nearly complete, and that is why when I buy a King James Bible I make every effort to insure that it is indeed a genuine KING JAMES BIBLE, and NOT some “KNOCK-OFF”, pretending to be a King James Bible – like the NEW Scofield Bible; or the NEW King James Bible; or the numerous “Study” King James Bibles with “corrections” on every page.

The Holy Bible is unlike any other book on earth. According to its own testimony it contains “the words of eternal life” [John 6:63, 68]; it makes the astounding claim to have been “given by inspiration of God” [2 Timothy 3:16]; it also says that God will preserve His words [Psalms 12:6-7] Jesus said that “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.” [Matthew 24:35; Mark 13:31; Luke 21:33] Because of this testimony, and many others, the words within the Bible are not to be tampered with. Within the pages of the Bible God commands men NOT to CHANGE His words. We are commanded NOT to ADD to them, NOR are we to SUBTRACT from them [Deuteronomy 4:2; Proverbs 30:5; Revelation 22:18-19] All 120 “New” bibles (in English) available today do all three!



There are well over 12,000 manuscripts in at least a dozen languages (over 5,500 Greek mss in the New Testament alone) to prove the existence of the Bible. No other book in existence has near that amount of existing manuscripts extending over such a long period of time.

The Bible has been in continuous use (approximately 3,500 years) since books were first written.

The Bible is the most widely read book ever published.

The Bible is the only book with a clear, understandable, and truthful record of the creation; the great flood; history; and end of the world.

That gives mankind a reason for living. [1 Corinthians 6:20; Ephesians 2:19-22; 1 Peter 2:5]

That can solve the riddle of the crazy days we are living in today. [2 Thessalonians 2:1-12; 1 Timothy 4:1-3; 2 Timothy 3: 1-13, 4:3-4, 2 Peter 2:1-22, 3:1-7, Jude 17-19]

To accurately foretell the future in detail and never have a single prophecy fail.

Christ’s 1st. Coming: [Isaiah 7:14, 40:3-5; Micah 5:2; Jeremiah; 31:15; Malachi 3:1]

Israel’s Rebirth: (Ezekiel 37:1-14; Hosea 9:10; Joel 1:7; Matthew 24:32-34; Mark. 13:28-30,; Luke 21:29-32]

Christ’s 2nd. Coming: [Matthew 24:1-51; Mark 13:1-37; Luke 21:1-38,; Acts 1:9 -11, 3:18-21; 1 Corinthians 15:51-58; 1Thessalonians 4:13-18, 5:1-10, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12]

{There are over 1,000 prophecies in The Holy Bible – Most still to come}


{Luke, the physician being the only possible exception} [Deuteronomy 8:3, 30:10-14, 32:1-4; Isaiah 45:23, 55:10-11; Ezekiel 3:10; Romans 3:1-2]

The Holy Bible = AV1611 = The King James Bible

The Holy Bible has 66 Books. {39 Books – Old Testament & 27 Books – New Testament}

THE OLD TESTAMENT CANON {Canon = a measuring rod or rule.}

The Old Testament Canon is the Jewish Standard for the Scriptures and simply means that these are all the Books of Scripture that the Jews recognized and accepted as being The Holy Word of God at the time of Christ’s first coming.


The Jews divided their Scriptures (the Christian’s “Old Testament”) into 3 Sections: THE LAW, THE PROPHETS, & THE WRITINGS


The Five Books of The Law – Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, & Deuteronomy

The Law was given to Moses [Exodus 24: 3-4; 12]

The Law was written by Moses [Deuteronomy 31:24; Mark 2:26; John 5:46; John 7:19]

After Moses wrote The Law, what happened to these writings?

THE LAW WAS ENTRUSTED TO THE PRIESTS [Deuteronomy 31:1-13; Deuteronomy 31: 24-26]

{The Priests (from the tribe of Levi) were given the responsibility for Copying and Preserving the “Oracles of God, i.e. The Scriptures}


Written by the men who held the official Office of Prophet to Israel.

A Prophet was a man from the Nation of Israel, called by God to serve Him, who worked in the Jewish Nation {preaching, prophesizing, warning, admonishing, reproving, and rebuking}. Either he or his scribe wrote a record of his ministry to Israel.

The Books called The Prophets were divided into two sections:

THE FORMER PROPHETS – Joshua, Judges, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings

THE LATTER PROPHETS – Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi


The Books of the Writings were written by men who were inspired by God, but did not hold the position or Office of Prophet. David and Solomon were inspired, but they were Kings. Job, though inspired, was not a prophet. Even Daniel, who prophesied, and whom we (Christians) hold to be a Prophet, did not labor among the Nation of Israel as the Prophets did before and after him.

Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Ruth, Lamentations, Esther, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, 1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles

THE LAW, THE PROPHETS, & THE WRITINGS make up what we (Christians) call:

THE OLD TESTAMENT CANON {Canon = a measuring rod or rule}


{NEW TESTAMENT CANON – Canon = a measuring rod or rule}

While the Old Testament took over 1500 years to write, The New Testament was written in approximately 60 years. It has been said that:

“The New is in the Old contained, while the Old is by the New explained.”

And again:
“The New is in the Old concealed, while the Old is by the New revealed.”

When a comparison is made between the two Testaments we discover some amazing similarities between the first three chapters of Genesis and the last three chapters of Revelation.

In a Garden In a Garden
First Creation A “New” Creation
Paradise – Lost Paradise – Restored
Promise of a Redeemer Redemption Perfected
Tree 0f Life – Fruit NOT to be eaten Tree of Life – Fruit to be eaten
The Devil Victorious The Devil Vanquished
Sorrow, Sin, Sickness, Crying, Pain, and Death

“No more death, neither sorrown or crying,

neither shall there be any pain: . . .”

[Revelation 21:4]

Man & Woman Driven Out Men and Women welcomed by GOD as Children

The Bible clearly reveals that it will be GOD that will Restore All Things – NOT Man!

Who wrote the New Testament? {Only Eight Men}

The Men The Books

Matthew [Matthew]

Mark [Mark]

Luke [Luke & Acts – Possibly the only Gentile to write Scripture]

John [John, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John & Revelation]

James [James]

Peter [1 Peter & 2 Peter]

Jude [Jude]

Paul [Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, and possibly Hebrews]


The Four Gospels reveal the 4-fold earthly ministry of The Lord Jesus Christ as:

Presents Christ as The King Presents Christ as The Servant Presents Christ as The Man Presents Christ as GOD
[Jeremiah 23:5-6] [Zechariah 3:8] [Zechariah 6:12] [Isaiah 4:2]

Outside of the Four Gospels, the rest of the New Testament is simply a {God “Inspired”} commentary on the Lord Jesus Christ’s MINISTRY: His Ministry here on earth (His Life; His Death; His Resurrection); His Ministry since the Resurrection; His Relationship to the church and to the believer; and His promised triumphal Return to rule the world. The Books of Acts, The Epistles, and Revelation were written to explain WHY the Lord Jesus Christ came; WHY He did WHAT He did; and WHY and HOW He is coming back to set up His Kingdom.

Not until God called the Apostle Paul and revealed His perfect will to him (the “mysteries of God” – 1Corinthians 4:1), did men know the full meaning of the Lord Jesus Christ’s Death; His Shed Blood; and His Resurrection (known as “The Atonement”).


#1. Was the Bible written with chapters and verses already?

#2. Who divided the Bible into chapters and verses?

#3. Why are some verses from the Old Testament quoted slightly different in the New Testament?

Answer to #1. The books which compose our Bible were, when first written, not broken up into chapters and verses, as they are today. Each book was separate and the letters ran together continuously throughout the book. At first the words were written without spaces between them; then came spaces at certain intervals to indicate a pause; then came spaces between words and a dot to indicate a pause; then came, in succession, commas, colons, interrogation points, and systematic punctuation. Accents and breathing were introduced in about the 7th or 8th century, and were perfected gradually with the use of the minuscule text.

Answer to #2. Old Testament: The division into verses is believed to be quite early and can be traced back to the early centuries of church history. The standard division of the Old Testament into verses which has come down to our own day was fixed by the Massoretic family of Ben Ashur about 900 A.D. This Hebrew text is known as the “Massoretic” text and is the Hebrew text that was the basis of the Authorized Version, now known as the King James Bible.

Answer to #2. New Testament: Very early in church history New Testament manuscripts were divided into sections, or paragraphs. These sections were usually much smaller than our chapters and larger than our verses. Sometime before 1228 Stephen Langdon, at one time – archbishop of Canterbury, divided the Bible into chapters. Modern chapter divisions were introduced into the Latin Vulgate in 1456, and into the Greek Testaments (“Textus Receptus”) from 1516 onward. The modern verse divisions were first made by Robert Stephannus (Stephens) of Paris, a printer, who divided the New Testament into verses for the 4th edition of his Greek Testament. The first entire Bible in which these chapter and verse divisions were used was Stephen’s edition of the Latin Vulgate (1555). The first English Bible to have both the chapter and verse divisions was the Geneva Bible (1560, the Pilgrim’s Bible) which was the immediate predecessor to the Authorized Version (1611), now known as the King James Bible.

It should be noted that the chapter and verse divisions are convenient for reference and quotation purposes, but I do not believe that they are “inspired” as the words of the Bible are.

(This information and much more can be found in: “General Biblical Introduction” by H. S. Miller or “The Books and the Parchments” by F. F. Bruce.)

Answer to #3. This is the most difficult question to answer, but I will try: Since God is the author of all of the Holy Scriptures:

2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
3:17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

I believe that He has the right, as any author does, to quote His words in any way that He so chooses. {I do this with my writings all of the time.}

Please note that the men who wrote the New Testament were “inspired” of God to write the words (which continued to retain the original “inspiration”) and make quotations under the Holy Spirit’s guiding, and that it was God who led them to quote passages out of the Old Testament as they did. Although there may be minor differences between an Old Testament passage and the New Testament quote of that passage, God never omits any words of import, unlike the modern English translations that have numerous word changes, omissions, and additions, not to mention various places where whole verses are missing.


The use of the pronouns YE, you (plural) and thee, thou, thy, thine (singular) in the King James Bible greatly helps a believer in “rightly dividing the word of truth”. For instance: The King James Bible translators never used the word YE in the singular case. Every time the word YE show’s up in the King James Bible, it is always used to denote a plural pronoun (in reference to – more than one person).

“YE, pronoun. The nominative plural of the second person, of which thou is the singular. But the two words have no radical connection. Ye is now used only in the sacred and solemn style. In common discourse and writing, you is exclusively used. But YE are washed, but YE are sanctified. 1 CORINTHIANS 6.”

YOU, pronoun Yu. You has been considered as in the plural only, and is so treated in the Saxon grammar. But from the Belgic dialect, it appears to be in the singular as well as the plural, and our universal popular usage, in applying it to a single person with a verb in the singular number, is correct. Yourself is in the singular number. 1. The pronoun of the second person, in the nominative or objective case. In familiar language, it is applied to an individual, as thou is in the solemn style. In the plural, it is used in the solemn style in the objective case. He that despiseth you, despiseth me. Luke 10. Webster’s 1828 Dictionary.

And again in reference to the words thee, thou, thy, thine (singular) – The King James Bible translators always used these words in the singular case (in reference to a single person or nation, etc.). Knowing the distinction between thee, thou, thy, thine (singular) and YE, you (plural) helps the Bible believer to distinguish WHO is being addressed.

THOU, pron. in the obj. thee. The second personal pronoun, in the singular number; the pronoun which is used in addressing persons in the solemn style.

Art thou he that should come? Matthew 11.

I will fear no evil, for thou art with me. Psalms 23.

Thou is used only in the solemn style, unless in very familiar language, and by the Quakers.

THOU, v.t. To treat with familiarity.

If thou thouest him some thrice, it shall not be amiss.

THOU, v.i. To use thou and thee in discourse.

THEE, pron. obj. case of thou.

THEE, v.i. To thrive; to prosper.

THINE, pronominal adj. Thy; belonging to thee; relating to thee; being the property of thee. It was formerly used for thy, before a vowel.

Then thou mightest eat grapes thy fill, at thine own pleasure. Deuteronomy 32.

But in common usage, thy is now used before a vowel in all cases.

The principal use of thine now is when a verb is interposed between this word and the noun to which it refers. I will not take any thing that is thine. Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory.

In the following passage, thine is used as a substitute for thy righteousness.

I will make mention of thy righteousness, even of thine only. Psalms 71.

In some cases, it is preceded by the sign of the possessive case, like nouns, and is then also to be considered as a substitute.

If any of thine be driven out to the utmost parts of heaven – Deuteronomy 30.

It is to be observed that thine, like thou, is used only in the solemn style. In familiar and common language, your and yours are always used in the singular number as well as the plural.

THY, a. contracted from thine, or from some other derivative of thou. It is probable that the pronoun was originally thig, thug or thuk, and the adjective thigen. See Thou.

Thy is the adjective of thou, or a pronominal adjective, signifying of thee, or belonging to thee, like tuus in Latin. It is used in the solemn and grave style.

These are thy works, parent of good. *

* Source: Webster’s 1828 Dictionary.

{Just remember: If a word begins with a “t” (thee, thou, thy, thine) it’s SINGULAR, but if a word begins with a “y” (ye, you) it’s PLURAL.}


est: The personal ending, used to form the second person singular indicative of English verbs (passest, gettest, carriest, goest), in modern usage usually –st except immediately following a sibilant or vowel sound (didst; failedst). Archaic, except in solemn or poetic language. *

eth: The Middle English ending of the present indicative third person singular; as, knoweth, thinketh. Archaic. *

* Source: 1950 Webster’s New International Dictionary

George Anderson