Some of us have been called “Ruckmanites” or are guilty of “Ruckmanism”, whatever Ruckmanism is supposed to mean and never mind whether we know who Ruckman is or agree with him, or believe and practise exactly what this man teaches, just because we believe the King James Bible is the inspired words of the living God. The moment anyone dares to claim that the King James Bible is the inspired words of the living God, he is usually labeled as such.

Strangely, we are crowned with such name calling from those who supposedly use and believe that the King James Bible is the word of God. These people are actually taught by those who dislike or disagree with Dr. Ruckman and in fact they are also guilty of following a man. By the same token, we may return a favour by charging them for heresies of Jonesism, Custerism, Waitism, Cloudism, Ricism or whomever they choose to follow. These people are very concerned whenever anyone claims that the King James Bible is the inspired words of the living God. They have to quickly define what they really mean when they claim to believe and use the King James Bible. To these people, the King James Bible is the preserved word of God but not the inspired word of God. Why God only preserved uninspired words is completely astounding where none of these critics could explain. I have newspaper cuttings dating thirty years back, so God must be responsible for preserving such uninspired words of men, if you follow the logic of these critics.

Why are they so fearful of believing and claiming that the King James Bible is indeed the preserved inspired words of the living God is beyond comprehension. What harm has been done to the Body of Christ by taking such a stand that the King James Bible is indeed the inspired words of the living God for the English-speaking world, none of these critics are capable to listing. We can only assume that they want to reserve the rights to themselves to tell you what the Greek and the Hebrew really mean and you are not supposed to take the English words in the King James Bible at face value when these words contradict their theology or their religious practice. In fact, one of my teachers who taught me to defend the King James Bible actually bought me a New Scofield Bible, which is not a King James Bible where many words have been deliberately changed to mean something else, when I asked him to help me buy a reference study bible some twenty years ago.

These pseudo King James Bible believers are practitioners of product differentiation and they want to distinguish themselves from us because they are the good, godly, dedicated crowd but we who truly believe the King James Bible is the very words of the living God are classified as “Ruckmanites”. They spare no effort to define their position that a translation cannot be inspired. Those who dared to disagree with them are called Ruckmanites to scare off any potential Christians from openly claiming that the King James Bible is the inspired words of the living God.

Unfortunately, these English-speaking people forget that on the death bed, what offer them comfort is the Scriptures given by inspiration of God in the English language and few could care less what the Greek and Hebrew say. Some of these people who claim that the King James Bible as a translation cannot be inspired are simply pious egoistical people who do not speak or write or talk to God in Greek and Hebrew. Just because Dr. Ruckman ruffles their feathers by calling them for what they really are, they take offence with whoever who believes that the King James Bible we have in our hands is indeed the inspired words of the living God in which we can appropriate faith in all its great and precious promises. So for those who do not know who Dr. Ruckman is or have never heard him preach, here is the link to watch him in person and listen to what he has got to say about the King James Bible.

Why I believe the KJV1611 is the Word of God