Authorized Version Defence Effeminate Christianity And Modern Bible Version


And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures,
which are able to make thee wise unto salvation
through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
All scripture is given by inspiration of God,
and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof,
for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
2 Timothy 3:15 & 16

Thy word is true from the beginning:
and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever.
Psalm 119:160

By Daryl R. Coates

Attempts to Reduce, Change, or Simplify the Bible’s Vocabulary

Are Typical of an Effeminate “Christianity.”

The foolish attempt to discredit the word “baptize” in the King James Bible is an effeminate tactic to disarm the English-speaking saints of God. English has the largest vocabulary of any language in history, and its largeness is the result of English’s masculinity. In 1905 Danish linguist Otto Jespersen, one of the premier scholars of the history of the English language, wrote in Growth and Structure of the English Language (rpt. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982),

English is more masculine than most languages. We see this in many ways…. The business-like, virile qualities of the English language also manifest themselves in such things as word order…. In England every writer is, and always has been, free to take his words where he chooses, whether from the ordinary stock of everyday words, from native dialects, from old authors, or from other languages, dead or living. The consequence has been that English dictionaries comprise a larger number of words than those of any other nation, and that they present a variegated picture of terms from the four quarters of the globe. Now, it seems to be characteristic of the two sexes in their relation to language that women move in narrower circles of the vocabulary, in which they attain to perfect mastery so that the flow of words is always natural and, above all, never needs to stop, while men know more words and always want to be more precise in choosing the exact word with which to render their idea, the consequence being often less fluency and more hesitation.

It has been statistically shown that a comparatively greater number of stammerers and stutterers are found among men (boys) than among women (girls). Teachers of foreign languages have many occasions to admire the ease with which female students express themselves in another language after so short a time of study that most men would be able to say only a few words hesitatingly and falteringly, but if they are put to the test of translating a difficult piece either from or into the foreign language, the men will generally prove superior to the women. With regard to their native language the same difference is found, though it is perhaps not so easy to observe.

At any rate our assertion is corroborated by the fact observed by every student of languages that novels written by ladies are much easier to read and contain much fewer difficult words than those written by men. All this seems justify us in setting down the enormous richness of the English vocabulary to the same masculinity of the English nation which we have encountered in so many other fields. (pp. 15-16)

Efforts, then, to remove words from the King James Bible (like the efforts to produce modem “bibles” that are “easier-to-read” and “more up-to-date” and have “simplified vocabularies”) are symptomatic of the effeminate spirit and tendencies of the Bible’s critics. Such a spirit is why a lesbian helped to polish up the sodomite generated “style” of the perverted New International Version (NIV) “bible”, why the NIV committee later (like the New Revised Standard Version and Contemporary English Version committees before it) tried to produce a “gender inclusive” perversion of God’s words, why ministries and movements that are headed by and which cater to women are drawn to the false “bibles”, and why “Christianity” at the close of the twentieth century is composed of so many ministers who would rather weakly “keep promises” than “Be strong and quit (them)selves like men” (1 Sam. 4:9).

If this seems overstated, consider the thesis put forth by Leonard Shlain in his 1999 book The Alphabet Versus the Goddess: the Conflict Between Word and Image:

Goddess worship, feminine values, and women’s power depend on the ubiquity of the image. God worship, masculine values, and men’s domination of women are bound to the written word. Word and image, like masculine and feminine, are complementary opposites. Whenever a culture elevates the written word at the expense of the image patriarchy dominates. [Then we can also assume that when a culture elevates the image at the expense of the written word, matriarchy dominates-as in Hillary Clinton and Janet Reno and Donna Shalala and female Supreme Court justices ad infinitum.] (Qtd. on page 6 of the June 1999 The Quality Paperback Book Review.)

As an obviously agnostic and feminist (and possibly pagan) “scholar,” Shlain fails to grasp the true significance of his discovery that (in the words of the June 1999 The Quality Paperback Book Review), “the very act of reading an alphabet reinforce[s] the brain’s left hemisphere (linear, abstract, predominantly masculine) at the expense of the right (holistic, concrete, visual, feminine).”

It’s hardly surprising, then, that in our culture literacy and morality decreased and goddess worship increased following a rising emphasis on images (picture magazines and books; television; viewscreens; video games; computer icons), or that antichrist will employ an image to further enslave people in the tribulation. Nor is it surprising that there was no success in any “women’s movements” until Great Britain and America both abandoned the AV 1611 in favor of counterfeit “bibles”, nor can there be any ecumenical success unless men abandon the AV 1611 in favor of the words of a “woman” (Rev. 17-18).

Every English “bible” for more than a century has derived in some way from the Catholic text of a “whore” who is “THE MOTHER OF Immorel HARLOTS” and “drunken with the blood of the saints” (Rev. 17:5-6). The best way to resist her spirit is to stay true to the masculine text produced by the masculine Spirit of the masculine God who gave His only begotten Son so “that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works” (Tit. 2:14). Those who abandon the true masculine words of God will inevitably give themselves over to “profane and old wives’ fables” (1 Tim. 4:6-7).

Daryl Coates
1187 Highway 529
Taylorsville, MS 39168.