Brother Winston White
Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life,
whereunto thou art also called,
and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.
1 Timothy 6:12
Canwahan Bible Believers Baptist Church
Canhawan Nueva Valencia, Guimaras
P.O. Box 178, 5000 Iloilo City
Home of God’s Shelter for the Homeless Children and Orphans
Home of Seed for the Cities Philippines
Canhawan Nueva Valencia, Guimaras * P.O. Box 178, 5000 Iloilo City *
Year 2011 is God’s confirmation of His greatness and faithfulness. We rejoice and thank the Lord for his mercy and grace. We thank you all for your remembrance of us and the Lord’s work here in Guimaras Island.
Hope and pray that you will enjoy the pictures attach in this letter and rejoice with us in the Lord
God’s Shelter for the Homeless and Orphans – The Lord has been greatly blessing us with joy as we serve Him by loving the “unwanted” children. My wife and I have learned a lot, and still learning so many great lessons from the Lord through this labour of love “…lovest thou me more than these?…, Feed my lambs”. Baby love joy, baby Jonathan, Stephanie my wife and I sleep in one room. This is fun… we put all beddings on the floor so that we all can sleep together. All the children are growing, and it is seeing the grace of God through them. These children make us happy daily, their laughs and smile are priceless. Vincent told us in the church (testimony time) that he wanted to become a pastor someday and that he is grateful to be with us and get saved! Everyone was shouting AMEN in the church that day and the feeling was – the sacrifices and love to these children worth it all.
Building project – First; I am reading my previous letter send and I may have lead you to a wrong impression that there was no ongoing work to finish the project since December of 2010 or early January of 2011. Please forgive me… here is what I wrote before “The Building project – Since December of 2010 or early January of 2011, the work to complete the project stops (Started September of 2010) and we can only do little work to improve the unfinished building bit by bit. But by the Lord’s grace, we have repaired the damage church building and it has now NEW steel roofing, cements and finishing is being done as I write this letter. It is our goals and prayers to do the work and finish the project even bit by bit.
Please note the underline word STOPS, it is a mistake and it can make you all think that the work stops. No it did not,… but only because of no sufficient funds, we can only do little work to improve the unfinished building bit by bit. We did STOP the work (no work at all) on the month of May-Aug (to save some money) and bit by bit working on the building until December of 2011. We don’t want you to have a thought that THE LORD IS NOT FAITHFUL IN PROVIDING THE NEEDS – Phil 4:19!!! God is faithful and it is our prayer that we could magnify Him through this ministry. 1 Corinthians 1:9 God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Forgive my writing mistake.
Psalms 5:3 My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up.
Psalms 66:19 But verily God hath heard me; he hath attended to the voice of my prayer.
Few days from now… a new funds given to us by the Lord to continue working to finish the building project will be available! All glory to God. In God nothing is impossible. This is God’s Shelter and we are confident that by the grace of God and for God’s glory alone all needs will be met. We are only God’s servant who prays to be able to serve Him faithfully. Electrification and installation of windows will be first in our goals and we will continue to work as the Lord provides and money is available. Our hearts praise God for you all. These are answered prayers which encourage us in the Lord’s work. We received many blessings 2011, like someone given us money to buy a washing machine, cooking stove, and refrigerator to help my wife in her house work which until today we do not know who it was (perhaps this will make us more rejoicing in the Judgement Seat of Christ). But God knows… this make us strengthen in our prayers.
Preaching the gospel – 2011 was a great year in winning souls and preaching the gospel anywhere the Lord would bring us. More places we held the film showing of “Light of the world” in our National dialect. We lose count of the numbers of gospel tracts distributed, for 2011 was the year we were enabled by the Lord to give out more than the previous years. The Lord provided the tracts and we get them out as fast as we can. 2011 was a record breaking, why shamefully it is the only year that ends that we have left-over of gospel tracts. For the last 5 days of December all we did is be on the streets of Iloilo City working to get the tracts out! But we have so much SUPPLY! . May I share what I wrote in my diary: “Tomorrow maybe our last day to go back to Iloilo City to continue the work – Romans 1:16. We have been giving James Knox’s “essence of Christianity” with a new picture in that booklet (a baby with a mother). Catholics think we are one of them! We even literally were given an open door by the Lord to inter into one of the Catholic Church’s office to give out the booklet! We have Catholic mass here every day because of Christmas, and we are outside waiting for them greeting them with a big smile (I told my fellow soldier of the Lord to do this) MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR! It works!!! they are taking the tracts … Glory to God! The sad part, we are not on our Jesus Saves Tshirt we love to wear, so that we could infiltrate them. However, we have some true believers who would return to us the booklet and tell us that they are Christians and that they do not believe in Mary… Funny!
Market preaching 2012 – the Lord has kept us safe in our public preaching since 1991. We do have many life experiences in our street preaching which we will cherish for a life time. Another one will add to our list: Last Saturday, in our regular Saturday market preaching. We were only starting to preach, and a man came to us DRUNK – and it was only 8:00 in the Morning. He was mocking us, calling us DEMONS! I know, that ONE STRIKE from me would bring this man in a dream land… and my FLESH is telling me give him ONE (Thank God, I remember 1 Timothy 3:3 – a Bishop…no striker). Time for me to preach, he was standing beside me making a show – mocking God and us. But he has NO BULL HORN! Thus, I preach and told the people (who now are all looking at us) “Look at this man and observe him! See how the devil works through this man. This is how the devil destroy you, and this is how the devil rewards you by being his slaves through alcohol… look at him, he smell stinks, he has no slippers, dirty and acts like a crazy man, that soon will truly become crazy…” I did my best to disdain or scorn the man (who was standing right beside) as strongly as I could in my preaching and know by that time that the Lord sends me an “actual” illustration on the market people. The drunken man was silent, perhaps felt the shame a bit of what he is doing and realizing. Then my conclusion to the preaching, “I am like this man before I know my Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ…don’t laugh at him, PITTY him for I was who he is now. Come to Christ for… if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” The drunken man left, no one in the market was laughing…
Psalms 90:1 Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations.
2 Corinthians 1:11 Ye also helping together by prayer for us, that for the gift bestowed upon us by the means of many persons thanks may be given by many on our behalf.
Philippians 1:3-4 I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, Always in every prayer of mine for you all making request with joy,
God bless you all this 2012 with more souls to witness for the glory of God.
Brother Winston and Family (Hab 3:17-18)
1 Thessalonians 5:25 Brethren, pray for us.
Hebrews 13:18 Pray for us: for we trust we have a good conscience, in all things willing to live honestly.
2 Thessalonians 3:1 Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you:
Pastor Winston White {Heb 11:6}
You may write to him at:
I am sure Brother White would be very happy to hear from you.